ISO 9001
To guarantee and meet the needs of the company, society and our customers, we are certified by SGS with the ISO 9001 standard for the production of Citrue Bisabolol. Learn about our Quality Management System Policy:
Citróleo, located in Torrinha, State of São Paulo, produces and comercializates products for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries in the local and foreign market, and is guided by the following guidelines:
- Commitment to comply with the legislation, the Quality and Environment Management System and other applicable requirements;
- Promote the continuous improvement of its management system;
- Meet the needs and expectations of its customers and interested parts;
- Respect the environment and the community, focusing on protecting the environment, preventing pollution through the proper treatment of its liquid effluents, solid waste, atmospheric emissions and rational use of natural resources;
- Maintain a constant integration with its customers and suppliers;
- Respect and seek the development of its employees.
JUNE 2022